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How can Plants be protected from damage caused by Cold Weather?


In most areas of India, it is the time of year when temperatures begin to fall as the fall season begins to increase. When the leaves begin to turn yellow and brown, it's time to begin looking at our company's outside plants. What can we do to protect the plants in our containers outside from damage caused by cold temperatures?

Damage to plants that are exposed to cold is usually caused by two methods the first is by the process of desiccation (water loss). The other is by the damage caused by cold to plant tissue.

Desiccation is what it's all about

Desiccation can be caused by a variety of factors during cold winters dry soils, frozen soil/water , and loss of water due to high winds. While plants don't use more water during winter months, they do still consume water in a continuous manner, even during the coldest months during the winter. This is particularly true for evergreen plants (plants which keep their leaves throughout winter, such as spruce, junipersand rhododendrons and hollies).

It is best to protect your exterior plants from dehydration by keeping them well-hydrated. If temperatures exceed 40 degrees F be sure to check soil moisture and add water as needed (be careful not to over-water). If temperatures are always warm during fall and winter, make the most of it and ensure that your plants are well-hydrated. Do not water when temperatures are below 40 degrees or when temperatures of freezing are anticipated within 24 hours, as the water will become frozen and will not be accessible to the plants.

Evergreen leaves can be shielded from excessive loss of water by using anti-desiccant sprays. These sprays can be purchased in most garden stores. They reduce the loss of water in the foliage. If you are using an anti-desiccant, make certain to adhere to the instructions. While anti-desiccants may help but they're not an alternative to maintaining the soil's hydration.

Plant tissue is damaged by cold

If you are planning an outdoor installation, it's important to keep a few points in your mind.

Southern and the eastern sides of a structure are more protected from the harsh winter storms. The winds usually blow from the west and north. If your plants are exposed to winds from the west or north, choose more robust plants. Always select outdoor plants that are suitable for the zone of cold-hardiness.Plants can be shielded from damage caused by cold and dehydration by a barrier made of mulch such as straw, wooden stakes , and burlap. But, this might not be feasible due to the design that the barriers have. It is possible to temporarily alter the appearance of the plant's exterior to help sustain the plant in harsh cold winter temperatures.

Certain plants are able to be relocated to more protected or warmer locations If it is feasible.

What is the temperature that is too cold for plants to be outside?

Answering this query varies between different plant species. Sanseveria is an example. It is a robust species of plant, capable of enduring temperatures that are as low as 40degF. On the other hand the Pothos plant is not able to do well in temperatures below 65degF. There isn't a universal temperature for every plant that is too cold, which is the reason it is crucial to conduct your own study. It is however possible to tell if you live in a climate with severe winters and temperatures that are below 20 degrees It is always advisable to keep plants inside in this period, if it is possible.

How do I determine the temperature of frost in plants?

Frost is typically seen on plants when the soil temperatures fall below freezing which is 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Winds that are strong can also be able to make the effects of the frost, and also damage to plants more severe.

How can plants be protected from damage caused by cold?

Be sure that your plants receive sufficient water during the autumn and summer months prior to when the winter weather arrives. This will stop the plants from entering the colder winter months with drought stress and prevent the plants from drying out rapidly. As temperatures begin to fall the plants must be watered during the day prior to the late-night cold climate begins to take over.



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