This guide will help you:
✅ Choose the right container for bird's eye chili.
✅ Make a potting mix for bird's eye chili.
✅ Where to grow the bird's eye chili at home.
✅ And also give you a schedule to add nutrients and water for the plant.
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Family : Solanaceae
Native : Thailand

Materials needed to grow Bird's eye chili.
Soil : Well drained rich organic soil or enrich potting mixture (free from pest and disease)
pH : The ideal pH of plant is 6 to 7.5(neutral soil)
Planting container size : A good drainage 8 to 16 inch diameter and 8-14 deep inches ideal.
Where do I grow Bird's eye chili at home?
Temperature : The ideal temperatures for growing chili range between 18 to 26 C
Sun light : The sun light requirement more than 6 hrs
Climate : It is commonly cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical conditions. It required both warm and humid dry weather conditions. Plant growth will be affected when heavy rainfall occurs as well as when it reaches above 37 C in summer.
Type of plants : Short perennial plant ( 10-16 month)
Starting my Bird's eye chili plant.
Season : Best season for grow in spring (Jan,Feb, June, July, Sep, Oct and Dec)
Propagation : Propagated by Seeds.
Germination time: Germination starts from 5-10 days after the seed sown.
Planting : The normal spacing between plant to plant 15cm to 20cm and closer spacing 10-15cm ideal.
Caring for my Bird's eye chili plant.
Water requirement : Watering should be done when it's necessary a day. Avoid the over watering and keep well drained.
Nutrient : Apply well decompose plant and animal waste manures and also bone meal or blood meals and also liquid fertilizers seaweed extract humic acid and bio enzymes.
Flowering: Flowers will start after 90-100 after planting (depending on variety, season,climate and soil fertility.
Harvest time : The chili is ready for harvest after 95-110 days of planting. It's continually growing up to 1-2 years for good plant care.
Edible part : Green and red chili
Plant life span : 1-2 year

Plant protection for my Bird's eye chili
Major Pest
1.Fruit borer
Management :
Organic methods to control insects set up pheromone traps, Neem oil spray 2-5ml per / liter.
Spray the insecticide fipronil 5% SC 2 ml/ lit or Flubendiamide 480 SC 2.5 ml/ lit.
Sucking pest (Aphids,Thrips white fly and Mites )
To control spray Neem oil 2-5ml per / liter or imidacloprid 17.8 % SL 2-3 ml / liter or dimethoate 30 % EC or Fipronil 5% SC 1-2 ml/ liter of water
Major diseases
1.Damping off
To control the damping off treat with seed trichoderma viride 0.5g or Pseudomonas as soil application. Drench Copper oxychloride at 2-2.5g/ liter of water.
2.Leaf spot
To control spot spray neem oil 2-5 ml or mancozeb 2g/ lit or copper oxychloride 2.5g/ lit
3.Powdery mildew
Spray wettable sulphur 3g/lit or carbendazim 1.5 g/ lit. 2-3 spray with 15
4. Fruit rot and anthracnose
Spray neem oil 2-5ml/lit or copper oxychloride 2.5g /lit.twice in 14 days.
5. Leaf curl virus
Destroy the affected plant control the aphid as early stage to avoid to spread virus
Plant care and maintenance
Apply regular organic nourishment for the plants
Plants require little water when necessary and avoid over watering .
On rainy days flower drop will be heavy due to pollen washout or failure of fruit set.
Remove the older and unhealthy affected leaves and branches of plants and its give regular air circulation in to the all the branches of plants its help full for disease free plant
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